
You and Me- part 23

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Part 23: *Ashley's POV- 6 months later* We were now in the middle of promoting our new album and Andy had this idea to make a movie to tell the story.
While we were on the set, I watched as Andy was getting frustrated while Juliet (who for some reason talked the producer into giving her a part) verbally attacked him.
"Where the hell have you been?! I haven't heard from you in six months! You better not have had a kid while you were gone because you have nothing left to give it what it needs! Nothing!" Juliet said
"What did you do?!" Andy asked as he snatched his cigarette out of his mouth and shot a glare at Juliet
"I got rid of everything!" Juliet replied as Andy then threw his cigarette down in anger and stormed off
"I'm done talking to you!" Andy shouted as he walked over to me while running a hand through his hair
"Something wrong?" I asked as I held Lily close to my chest
"Juliet is trying to ruin my life as usual." Andy replied as he looked down at Lily who was starting to cry
I looked down at her and tried to comfort her and put her pacifier in her mouth
"Has she started talking yet?" Andy asked as I held Lily
"Ever since I heard her say 'Dada', she's been saying it over and over." I said
"Dada!" Lily said as she pointed at me
"See?" I asked
Andy laughed and said "That's cute!"
Then, I looked down at my little princess as she looked up at Andy and tried to say something.
"What's she trying to say?" Andy asked as we both heard Lily make this "Aaaa" sound
"I think she's trying to say your name." I said
Andy looked at this and smiled as my little girl finally said her godfather's name.
"Andy!" Lily said as she reached her arms out
Andy's smile grew wider as I handed Lily over.
"I'm so proud of you." he whispered to her
*Andy's POV* Later as we filmed one of the scenes, I couldn't help but look over at Ashley as he looked at Lily as she played with her sock monkey while sitting in the chair Ashley had been sitting in before filming.
But we had to do another take because just as we were about to finish, we heard Lily crying from falling out of the chair.
Ashley took off his bass and ran over to pick up his little girl.
"Dada!" Lily cried as she reached up at Ashley
Jinxx looked over at me and asked "How long has Lily been talking?"
"Ever since Lily said her first word to Ashley I guess." I replied
Then, Jake shook his head and said "No."
"What?" I asked
"I was watching her one night while Ashley was spending the night in jail (again) and I was giving her a bath when she heard a car outside thinking it was Ashley and said 'Dada' while looking toward the door. I was surprised but, at the same time I really wanted to tell Ashley." Jake said
"Who bailed him out of jail this time?" I asked
"I'm getting to that. After I finished bathing Lily, I dressed her in her pajamas and put her in the car then, I drove to the police department to bail Ashley out. Of course, when Lily saw Ashley, she could not stop saying the new word she learned." Jake said
"Just the thought of that sounds cute!" Jinxx cooed as he watched Ashley walk around with Lily in his arms as she played with a strand of his hair
"Yeah. It is." I said as thoughts of my own little one (who has yet to come into my life yet) entered my mind
Part 23 of "You and Me"
© 2015 - 2024 Tokiogirl21
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